The redesign

For several months, I’ve been hard at work redesigning the Vancouver Gay Volleyball Association website. Longtime readers will remember previous posts wherein I expressed my insecurities, then my excitement at tackling its redesign in 2008. Now in 2011 comes another redesign, even more extensive.

For several months, I’ve been hard at work redesigning the Vancouver Gay Volleyball Association website. Longtime readers will remember previous posts wherein I expressed my insecurities, then my excitement at tackling its redesign in 2008.

Now in 2011 comes another redesign, even more extensive. I moved the site to WordPress instead of homebrewed PHP scripts, jiggered the layout and structure, and made extensive under-the-hood changes to allow non-techy people to update content, announcements, and time-sensitive information (tournaments, registration) without mucking about with HTML and SQL.

In the next couple of posts I’ll go into more detail about the changes I’ve made, and what I’ve learned along the way.