I’m currently in the middle of a big site redesign. The ball got rolling last month when I changed the index page to add a little PHP script. Nothing too fancy, but it got my feet wet. So here’s what’s going to happen:
- No more static HTML. It’s PHP/MySQL all the way! It’s more work initially, of course, but in the end it’ll make maintenance ever so much easier, and open up tons of design possibilities.
- A slightly different layout. The main menu will go below the header graphic, and breadcrumbs will disappear (and be less important anyways, since I’m flattening the site structure somewhat). To replace them there’ll be a small bit in the sidebar to indicate the page’s location within the site. Speaking of the sidebar, it’s been sitting pretty empty on most of the pages, hasn’t it? Now it’ll contain more material: a short “about” bit (similar to what you currently find on the main page), copyright info and the validation links (moved from the footer), most recent posts, etc…
- As long as I’m changing the file extensions, I might as well do it intelligently and have cruft-free URLs.
- Some reorganization of my “writing” section. My comics reviews will be merged with my regular posts. Logical conclusion of the steps taken in the present design. My old articles and poetry will stay online, in their own sections as before.
- A new look. Obviously. No details yet, I’m still working on it.
- Content: all of my old comics reviews to be revised and updated. I’m already most of the way there: The only big one left to do is Sandman. Then, just a few Vertigo miniseries. And then I can go on to new reviews. But I need to take care of this unfinished business first.
I want to have all this done by the 10th anniversary of my site: September 26th. Gawd, I can’t believe it’s been ten years already… Meh, we’ll get misty-eyed and nostalgic later. Right now there’s work to be done.