Following up on my last post: after two weeks, my scrapes and bruises are healing nicely. Some deep bruising in my side and lower back is still bothering me, though only in the morning when I get up. And even then, I only go “Ow!” instead of “OWOWOW MOTHERF***** OW!” like I used to do for a few days after the accident. So it’s all good.
But here’s the best news: my wrist isn’t broken after all! I had it re-x-rayed this week, and saw a doctor yesterday to confirm: no sign of a fracture, it’s just a sprain. Yay! No spending months in a cast! I’m not out of the woods yet, though. Gotta work to recover my strength and flexibility. Hell, after just two weeks in that splint, my wrist and forearm were noticeably skinnier–and I’m no Mr. Universe to begin with. But the doctor said those squeezy stress-relieving balls are excellent for building up strength, and I just happen to have a couple lying around. At this rate, I should be back playing volleyball in a few weeks.
Yes, this has been a painful and inconvenient interval, but there’s been no permanent damage. This too shall pass.