I wasn’t sure if I could do the same festival marathon thing as last year; then, I was unemployed, so it was easy to see a couple movies, then blog about them the next day. But I have a day job now, and by the weekend I was getting seriously burned out. To the point that I hesitated to go to the closing gala film, after a whole afternoon playing volleyball in the hot sun. But I went, and I’m so glad I did. Next year I need to either pace myself better or take some time off.
By the time I got around to buying a pass they were already sold out, so I was forced to buy tickets. The solution is obvious: donate more over the next year. No, I’m not just looking for the convenience of a Super Pass, I’ll be supporting a great cause, too!
Now, let’s recap this festival:
Number of shows I saw: 15 (one more than last year! Woo!)
Number of days I did not see a show: 2 (Sunday the 14th and Wednesday the 17th)
Favourite Feature Film: The Wise Kids, hands down. Honourable mentions go to Grown Up Movie Star and Different From Whom? / Diverso da Chi?
Least Favourite Feature Film: You know what? I didn’t see any real duds this year. Even the movies I felt didn’t quite work (Going Down in LA-LA Land, Strapped) were very enjoyable.
Favourite Short Film: A three-way tie between A Dragged-Out Affair and Go-Go Reject (both part of Beautiful Rejects) and Why the Anderson Children Didn’t Come to Dinner.
Movies I would have liked to see but didn’t: Judas Kiss (though I have had one person describe it as “laughably bad”), Forever’s Gonna Start Tonight, and The String / Le fil.
Here’s to next year!
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