Remember the project I mentioned a couple months back? Wondering how that’s going?
Well, wonder no more! Hot off the presses, here is my brand-new redesign of Enjoy!
Web, photos and assorted geekery
Remember the project I mentioned a couple months back? Wondering how that’s going?
Remember the project I mentioned a couple months back? Wondering how that’s going?
Well, wonder no more! Hot off the presses, here is my brand-new redesign of Enjoy!
So, funny story. Shortly after writing this post, I emailed the board chair, asking that a site redesign be put on next meeting’s agenda. He totally agreed, and in fact had already been planning to discuss the website (which I now feel I can name). They were going to redesign it last year, but the guy who volunteered got too busy. Which means I’m not stepping on anybody’s toes, so bonus there.
So, funny story. Shortly after writing this post, I emailed the board chair, asking that a site redesign be put on next meeting’s agenda. To my surprise he totally agreed, and in fact had already been planning to discuss the website (which I now feel I can name). They were going to redesign it last year, but the guy who volunteered got too busy. Which means I’m not stepping on anybody’s toes, so bonus there.
We had our board meeting this week and I made a little presentation, complete with screenshots of the current site, other gay volleyball sites, and of my own working copy I’d been fiddling with for the last couple of weeks. It was extremely well received, if I do say so myself; I even got compliments from that one board member who’s notoriously hard to please and easily bored. Go me!
I am tremendously excited about this project. It’ll be a great challenge for me but I already have lots of ideas, and can’t wait to test and refine them, pit them against each other in Darwinian competition. Fear me, for I am the God of Web design evolution!
We had our end-of-year volleyball tournament yesterday. My team won first place, which surprised the hell out of me. I haven’t won first place at anything in a while, and it was a very/ even game: with only a couple of exceptions, all our matches were won or lost by a handful of points.
We had our end-of-year volleyball tournament yesterday. My team won first place, which surprised the hell out of me. I haven’t won first place at anything in a while, and it was a very/ even game: with only a couple of exceptions, all our matches were won or lost by a handful of points. So I blocked and I passed and I set and I reffed for a bit and then I blocked and passed and yelled some more and sweated like a pig, from morning to mid-afternoon. Good thing I had my towel with me.
Which may not seem like a big thing, but I realized I’d never brought a towel to play. Until this weekend I just used my t-shirt to wipe myself off (yes, even for big tournaments), but I figured maybe I needed a little more. And, who knows? Maybe it’s the towel that helped me win. Because the rest of the players could sass what a hoopy guy I was: they knew they were dealing with a frood who really knew where his towel was, and their strength failed them.
(RIP, Douglas.)
I’m sad to see the season end, but grass volleyball is coming up soon, so it’s all good. Maybe if I bring a towel there too, I’ll end the summer with off-white skin instead of shining alabaster. Unfortunately, tanning is right out. Curse these melanin-impoverished genes what my folks gave me!